Classic Italian Pesto

Classic Italian Pesto

This pesto recipe will become one of your favorite sauces and can be used on pasta, potatoes, crostini, grilled shrimp, steaks and more.


  • 3 cups firmly packed fresh basil leaves

  • ½ cup pine nuts

  • 6 Kalamata olives

  • ½ cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese

  • 3 large garlic cloves

  • ½ teaspoon coarse kosher salt

  • ½ teaspoon ground black pepper

  • 2/3 cup of Pietro's Favorite Olive Oil


Step 1: 

Remove the seeds from the olives. Coarsely chop the garlic first because blenders and food processors often don't do a good job on them.

Step 2: 

Dump all the ingredients except the oil into a blender or food processor and let'er rip until everything is chopped fine, but not homogeneous.

Step 3: 

Slowly drizzle in the oil while the blades are on a low setting until, presto, pesto, you have a paste. The fragrance is heavenly. It can be kept in a tight jar in the fridge for a week before it starts to brown. If you need to keep it longer, top it with olive oil as a seal. Or freeze it. It freezes very well.

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