Balsamic Butter Sauce

Balsamic Butter Sauce

AMAZING. That’s it. Just that one word describes heaven on this plate. Seriously, this sauce was fantastic. We tasted it and immediately knew that Bon Appetite had it right when they recommended drizzling the entire plate with the sauce.


  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 garlic clove minced
  • ½ cup of butter

                  Step 1: 

                  In a small saucepan, over medium heat, simmer the vinegar and the garlic. Simmer until reduced to a thick syrup, about 5 minutes. Set aside while the rest of the meal is being finished.

                  Step 2: 

                  When ready to serve the sauce, rewarm over medium-low heat. Cut a stick of butter into 6-8 pieces and add to the balsamic reduction one piece at a time. Whisk until all butter is incorporated and sauce is smooth again.

                  Step 3: 

                  Season with salt and pepper if needed.

                  Step 4: 

                  Drizzle over plate right before serving.

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